
Robbery of Roger Moore Described at Trial of Terry Nichols
A gun dealer’s girlfriend testified that as many as 35 rifles and handguns and packages of armor-piercing ammunition found in the home of bombing conspirator Terry Nichols were taken from the dealer’s rural Arkansas home. Karen Anderson said Tuesday that she and Roger Moore operated a gun-show business called American Assault Co. She said she was at a gun show in Shreveport, La., on the day of the Nov. 5, 1994, robbery but that she talked to Moore soon afterward.

Also taken were $8,700 in cash, gold and silver coins, a quilt and a cigar box containing as many as 50 pieces of jade from Costa Rico. A cigar box with similar jade pieces was recovered in a storage unit leased by Nichols near Las Vegas. Following the robbery, several hundred dollars in cash was found in Moore’s van, which was also taken. Anderson pulled a thick wad of cash from her pants pocket to demonstrate what the money looked like. "Just like that," she said, the bills folded in half. Moore is expected to testify Wednesday. ....

But defense attorneys claim the robbery was committed under executed bomber McVeigh’s direction by other co-conspirators, possibly members of a group of bank-robbing white supremacists. ...

Anderson said she told the FBI that McVeigh could be a suspect in the robbery because he had visited the couple several times after they met in the spring of 1993 at a gun show in Tulsa. On his last visit, McVeigh had argued with Moore over McVeigh’s attempts to sell flare launchers he had made using Moore’s design. McVeigh couldn’t sell them and wanted Moore to buy them. "I’m not really happy with you stealing my idea," Anderson said she overheard Moore tell McVeigh. She said McVeigh left a few hours later.
Posted by: Mike Sylwester 2004-04-14