
Senator Zoop
Link via Viking Pundit
Kerry Gets the Picture. Up! Up!
And away. Go far, far away, please...
Sometimes a photo opportunity is more than a photo opportunity.
Profound thinker, this wanker.
On Wednesday, when Senator Broomstick One Hillary Rodham Clinton took her colleague John Kerry to a Head Start program at Columbus Avenue and 108th Street in Manhattan, the photographers got a lovely picture of the Democratic presidential candidate reading to a group of 4- and 5-year-olds.
Um, maybe it is just a photo op?
Mr. Kerry, meanwhile, got a quick lesson in how to relate to children, courtesy of his fellow junior senator.
"That son of a bitch just drooled on me!"
Mr. Kerry, who is often faulted as failing to connect to anyone audiences, was doing his best to reach the 10 children at the Bloomingdale Family Program — and their voting-age teachers. He folded his lanky frame, sat on the floor and opened "Abiyoyo" by Pete Seeger...
...the same Pete Seeger who was a 60’s radical hippie musician? The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, does it?
a book about a giant tamed by an African boy and his father, whose magic wand makes the giant disappear. Mr. Kerry, whose daughters are long since grown, kept neglecting to show the children the pictures.
And the Left complains about Bush needing coaching?
Luckily, he was sitting at the feet of a former first lady. "John, make sure he can see that," Mrs. Clinton prompted at one point. "John, turn it around one more time," she said later, asking the children, "Can you see?"
"John, can I be your running mate?"
Mr. Kerry obliged, but still seemed to have politics on the brain as he narrated the story of the magic wand — "Zoop!" — making things disappear. "I could go zoop! and Republicans would disappear," he said.
Civil, well reasoned discourse, or the inadvertent slip of the tongue showing his latent fascist tendencies? Discuss.
A few moments later, Mrs. Clinton provided a graceful exit.
Somehow the words ’Clinton’ and ’graceful’ don’t jibe too well in the same sentence...
"We have to disappear," she told the boys and girls.
My thoughts exactly.
Posted by: Raj 2004-04-15