
Joseph Cao and the moderate delusion
Rep. Anh "Joseph" Cao (R-La.) has been a model of bipartisanship during his short tenure in the House. Being from a heavily black, heavily Democratic district in New Orleans certainly contributes to this no doubt but if there's anyone who can truly be said to be someone who "reaches out to the other side," it's Cao. He voted for the Obama health insurance bill the first time it came up in the House, supports carbon taxation regimes and has said how he "loves" President Obama.

Unfortunately for Cao, however, that love does not seem to be reciprocated by the Democratic party or by Obama himself. In his first general election advertisement, Obama took the opportunity to endorse Cao's Democratic opponent, Cedric Richmond, a move which incensed Cao. He seems mystified Obama did this and has, according to Fox News, been desperately trying to reach the president to talk about what he seems to think was just an honest mistake.
Posted by: Fred 2010-10-06