
Shady Characters Guard US Bases in Afghanistan
Senate investigators have found that private Afghan security forces hired to guard US bases in the 'Stan have ties to the Taliban, crooks & Iran. The report was adopted by the Senate Armed Service Committee unanimously.
The United States military has almost no independent information on the Afghans guarding the bases, who are employees of Afghan groups hired as subcontractors by Western firms awarded security contracts by the Pentagon. At one large American airbase in western Afghanistan, military personnel did not even know the names of the leaders of the Afghan groups providing base security, the investigators found. So they used the nicknames that the contractor was using -- Mr. White and Mr. Pink from "Reservoir Dogs," the 1992 gangster movie by Quentin Tarantino. Mr. Pink was later determined to be a "known Taliban" figure, they reported.

In another incident, the United States military bombed a house where it was believed that a Taliban leader was holding a meeting, only to discover later that the house was owned by an Afghan security contractor to the American military, who was meeting with his nephew -- the Taliban leader.
Insert pic of Peter Lorre here
AoS note: Anguper, please note the formatting I did for your post, and do it the same in the future.
Posted by: Anguper Hupomosing9418 2010-10-08