
More homefront email on Fajullah
Another email making the rounds of retired military
Do you hear anything like this on the biased and manipulated evening news? I don’t think so...
Subject: Latest from Fallujah Front

Sid Haining told me his son, Marine PFC Webb Haining called via SAT phone from Fallujah last night. He is in 2nd BN, 2nd MAR WEAPONS CO, Unit 73030, and was actively engaged over the last five days. Said it started with a crowd going to a " religious " pilgrimmage walking by their fire base. Incoming mortar rounds , then the crowd parted and a white car came speeding towards them. About 24 Marines in Webb’s outfit unloaded a clip of M-16’s each into it and he says " Dad, it exploded so hard there wasn’t a piece of it left bigger than a golf ball ! " Obviously a car bomb. From there they went out hunting the bad guys, and he says they killed " at least three hundred. " His group lost one kid, so they are doing well at this point. They were using .50 cal machine guns, M-16’s , Grenade Launchrs, TOW Missiles, and close air support from PUFF the Magic Dragon, and apparently some helicopters ( Apaches? or Cobras , I guess. ) Also says their snipers had a field day.

Said the action stopped a day earlier than planned because the bad guys were beat back so bad with so many dead & wounded.

Guess the bad guys had never been up against U.S. Marines before ! I know it is a long way from over, but at least this was a good day for our side.

Anyway , keep young Webb Haining in your prayers.


Percy Galbreath

Posted by: Mercutio 2004-04-17