
Palestinians Adopt Democratic Talking Points
(Links via Drudge, Allah, LGF)
Bush Sealed Hamas Leader’s Fate - Palestinians
By Nidal al-Mughrabi
No bias here, right?
Reuters - "It was Bush."
Bush the IDF helicopter pilot?
The verdict was near unanimous amid the tears and rage on Palestinian streets after Israel killed Hamas leader Abdel-Aziz al-Rantissi in an air strike Saturday that many Arabs felt President Bush must have approved.
The White House doesn’t seem entirely pleased about it...
"Bush has Rantissi’s blood on his hands," said Khamis Saadi, among tens of thousands who swept into Gaza’s shabby streets.
No, that would be Mr. Rosary Beads.
"All doors to hell should be opened against the Israelis and against the Americans," he cried.
Not exactly KCNA level rhetoric, rookie...
U.S. officials denied giving a green light to Israel. But Palestinians, fuming and seething and vowing dire revenge over unprecedented concessions Bush gave Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon last week for a Gaza pullout plan, felt Rantissi’s killing was just another action in the same vein.
Well, that means no more ’occupation’. You guys aren’t very grateful, are you?
Sharon’s Palestinian sockpuppet counterpart, Ahmed Qurie, called it "a direct result of American encouragement and the complete bias of the American administration toward the Israeli government."
Action, meet Consequence.
The United States has always been a target of Palestinian and Arab ire because of its close relations with Israel.
"It’s them Joooooooos!"
But Bush’s statement that Israel could expect to keep chunks of the West Bank seized in the 1967 Middle East war and ruled out a return of refugees to what is now Israel was felt by many Palestinians as a death blow for dreams of a real state.
You lose a war, you lose land. It’s a pretty simple concept...
"Bush freed the hands of Sharon to do whatever he liked with the Palestinian people, to kill their leaders and to confiscate their land," said one mourner in Gaza called Hammad.
Um, what part of ’Gaza pullout plan’ do you fail to understand, Hammad?
Israel said in Rantissi it had killed a "mastermind of terrorism" -- Hamas Islamic militants have sworn to destroy Israel and killed hundreds of Israelis in suicide attacks.
Killed by death, heh.
On the streets of Gaza, there were many calls for Hamas to change its longstanding strategy of attacking only Israelis and to start killing Americans too.
Feel the love!
A Hamas leader did not go that far, but allied the Palestinian cause with that of insurgents fighting the U.S. occupation of Iraq.
Are these clowns going to walk into the flypaper trap too? Idiots.
"Sharon and Bush will see more blood coming from their noses in Palestine and Iraq," said Mahmoud al-Zahar.
I wonder what this guy’s time in the 100 yard dash is when he hears that IDF chopper humming in? Talk’s cheap, Mahmoud.
Zahar's probably the next Mister Big, even though he won't admit to it. It's not like the IDF doesn't know who the members of Hamas' politburo are...
The Hamas military wing such as it is, Izz al-Deen al-Qassam, vowed "100 retaliations," but all against Israel rather than the United States.
Smart move, although I think Arafat should have been whacked by now given his connection to three of our diplomats getting killed by that roadside bomb last year.
Condemnation of Rantissi’s killing came from around the world. Javier Solana, professional appeaser foreign policy chief for Middle East peace Quartet member European Union, called the killing "unlawful" and "not conducive to lowering tension." British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw called it "unlawful, unjustified and counter-productive."
Are all those Paleoboomings against Israeli children, the ’brave military’ targetings of discos and pizza parlors also "unlawful, unjustified and counter-productive"? Didn’t think so...
U.S. reaction was more nuanced.
John Kerry said something today?
"The United States is gravely concerned for regional peace and stability," said a statement, issued under the name of White House press secretary Scott McClellan.
"We’re going through the motions of pretending to give a flying fuck appear balanced."
Anger in Arab countries was intense.
That’s a news flash...
The assassination came less than one month after Israel killed Hamas spiritual leader Ahmed Yassin in a similar attack. That drew thousands to protests across the Middle East.
Car Swarm!
Egypt’s Foreign Minister Ahmed Maher accused Israel of trying to "kill off the chance for peace (and push) the region to the edge of the abyss."
Um, aren’t the Paleos supposed to disband terrorist organizations, or is that just a technicality?
Some in a region that is extremely uncomfortable with the U.S. occupation of Iraq also saw an American hand.
I saw a Palestinian hand. And a foot, and a head, and a lot of blood...
Yemeni Foreign Minister Abubakr al-Qibri said: "The United States bears the responsibility for what happens, since after every visit by Sharon to Washington he commits more terrorism and assassinations."
I just finished watching Patton on AMC. I’d love ’Ol’ Blood and Guts’ to take a one week tour of the ’fabled’ Gaza Bank with the Third Army so we’d quit having to hear this feigned outrage, excuse making, veiled and not so veiled threats against US and inflict on Hamas & the other brave bombers of Israeli civilians the ultimate ’humiliation’ on these terrorist savages - a complete and through military ass kicking coupled with the nuking of the Hamas charter calling for Israel’s destruction. Then, and only then, will there be any hope for the Palestinian people not afflicted with the diseases of Jihad and Judenrein
Posted by: Raj 2004-04-18