
Australia watching Lashkar terror cell
SECURITY services have stepped up surveillance on at least four Sydney terror suspects linked to a Pakistan-based terror cell. The heightened alert follows the arrest of a medical student accused of having prepared for combat at a camp in Pakistan that trained suicide bombers. Izhar ul-Haque has spent his third night in the Supermax prison at Goulburn after being charged with receiving instruction from a terrorist organisation. ASIO is understood to have liaised closely with MI5, the British security service. Security sources said there was a link between arrests last month in London and allegations that Australians had trained in terror camps.
MI5 has heavily infiltrated these groups, but it seems like the price of letting Islamofascists operate openly is London is a heavy price to pay.
At least two of eight men suspected of plotting to bomb London using explosives made from ammonium nitrate fertiliser had trained with Kashmiri militants at a camp visited by ul-Haque.
Lashkar’s membership is actually 90% Pakistani, but okay..
Security sources said they had adopted a hard-line tactic of pre-emptive action. "We aim to disrupt and dismantle," a senior source said. Ul-Haque, who was born in Pakistan, is alleged to have visited Pakistan for terror training at a camp called al-Aqsa in January and February of last year.
Maybe someone should actually do something about these training camps that continue to turn out hardcore Jihadis? Hafiz Saeed must be happy to know that he is able to run a private terrorist army without Washington seeming to take any action.
Hundreds of militants willing to fight and die with Kashmiri rebels were taught at the camp to use automatic weapons, grenades, mortars and explosives, according to security sources. Most were from Arab countries including Yemen and Saudi Arabia, but there were volunteers from Romania and Britain.
ASIO and the AFP in Sydney are openly watching and following four men suspected of being affiliated with the Pakistan-based terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba, with which ul-Haque allegedly trained. They include a Bangladeshi butcher, a 39-year-old Turkish man and a Lebanese man who has been under ASIO investigation since being linked to French terror suspect Willie Brigitte.
Posted by: Paul Moloney 2004-04-18