
Jesse Jackson To Work On Hostage Release
Civil Rights Leader Tries To Free Thomas Hamill

POSTED: 10:53 p.m. EDT April 17, 2004

JACKSON, Miss. -- The wife of an American civilian held in Iraq says the Rev. Jesse Jackson is trying to help win her husband’s release. Kellie Hamill said she spoke with Jackson several days ago and asked for his assistance. Thomas Hamill is a Jackson, Miss., truck driver employed by Halliburton. He was abducted April 9 when gunmen attacked his convoy.

Sen. Trent Lott said he talked with Jackson and helped the longtime civil rights advocate contact the Hamill family. Lott said one step Jackson wants to take is to write a letter to Al-Jazeera, the Arabic language television network, and encourage Hamill’s release. Jackson has helped win the release of other hostages during the Gulf War and in Kosovo.
Will someone please keep this trainwreck of a hypocritical self-aggrandizing political wannabe out of the loop? I do not care what sort of prior successes he’s had. This guy’s agenda is so murky it’s impossible to know what sort of overall impression he will leave in his wake.

Posted by: Zenster 2004-04-17