
Spanish Leader Pulls Troops From Spain
Damn him.
I think we knew it was going to happen...
Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said Sunday he had ordered Spanish troops withdrawn from Iraq as soon as possible. While Zapatero had run for office on a promise to withdraw Spanish forces from the U.S.-led coalition, the timing of the announcement was unexpected.
I wonder if it was stipulated in the surrender document?
In an announcement from the Moncloa Palace, Zapatero said he had ordered the defense minister to "do what is necessary for the Spanish troops stationed in Iraq return home in the shortest time possible." Zapatero spoke just hours after the new Socialist government was sworn in.
Anyone surprised?
I do hope they intend to give up bullfighting. As a sport it's unfair, since the bull always gets killed in the end. As a spectacle, its only purpose is to demonstrate a man's bravery in facing the bull up close and personal. Since they've forfeited any claim to bravery, maybe they should take up bowling.

Posted by: Steve White 2004-04-18