
Staying home
Some of the Senate's most vehement Democratic critics of President Bush's policies in Iraq have never gone there during the war. We obtained a copy of an official list of all the members of Congress who have visited Iraq since May.

We count 211 members, including 37 senators. Missing from the traveling senators are Sens. John Kerry of Massachusetts, the presumptive party presidential nominee; Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts; Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia; Richard J. Durbin of Illinois; and Byron L. Dorgan of North Dakota. "Your five lead dogs have never gone," said a Republican staffer. "The people who have been there are quieter."
There's a profound thought. Bobbie, Teddie, Dickie, all should go to Iraq and see for themselves. I'm going to write Durbin, he's one of my senators.
The staffer said lawmakers return from such trips, known as "co-dels" for congressional delegations, with the impression that progress is being made in rebuilding post-Saddam Hussein Iraq and introducing democratic ideals.

Four senators have traveled to Iraq twice. Only Sen. Jack Reed, Rhode Island Democrat and West Point graduate, has gone three times. Additional trips have been postponed given the spike in violence in Iraq.

Posted by: Steve White 2004-04-19