
Obama arrives in India for 4-day state visit
(KUNA) -- US President Barack Hussein Obama arrived in India on Saturday for a four-day state visit. His official plane "Air Force One" landed in the countrys financial capital Mumbai, it was officially reported.

Here, the US President is scheduled to visit Hotel Taj, targeted in the 26/11 terror attack two years ago, and meet terror attack survivors and the memorial for terror victims. Later, he is also slated to celebrate Diwali with school children.

This is Obamas first India visit, in reciprocation to Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singhs visit to the US in November 2009. The visit assumes significance even as it would be longest Obamas visit to any country in past two years since he assumed Presidency.

In the evening, Obama would address a business meet to be attended by captains of the Indian industry.

The main thrust of US Presidents visit would be to explore the growing Indian market for US exports. Before flying to India, Obama made it clear in Washington that his plan was to double US exports in next five years, and that the purpose of his India visit was to increase business.

According to his official itinerary, tomorrow afternoon Obama would fly to New Delhi for the second and key leg of his India visit.
Posted by: Fred 2010-11-07