
Taliban demand Congressional fact-finding commission
The Taliban called on Congress to bring a "fact-finding mission" to Afghanistan to investigate what they called falsehoods spread by American military chiefs to continue the war.

The statement was addressed to "Messers American Congressmen," and signed by Qari Mohammad Yousuf Ahmadi, "spokesman of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan".

It advised the team to explore Afghanistan throughly to make known "ground realities" being concealed by American officials anxious to look like they are winning.

"Can a few militants stand up to armed forces of 40 countries including the strongest countries of the world," Sunday's statement said.

"In fact the current armed jihad is a country-wide resistance against you. Men and women, old and young from every tribe, ethnicity, caste and area have arisen to oppose you. Thus by your intending to wipe out the resistance, you have chosen the way of committing genocide of the whole nation," it said.

The statement went on, ". . . how about another experiment? Send a team to Afghanistan on a fact-finding mission The team should have freedom of movement and should be allowed to remain far from the clutches of your intelligence agencies," suggesting that American leaders wouldn't be likely to allow the mission to do so.

The communiqué accused Robert Gates, David Petraeus, and other "military brass" of inflating victories in battle for financial gain among other reasons.

For nine years "Afghans have been festering in the vortex of an imposed war... The apparition of mass murder, imprisonment, night house raids and plundering which has become the order of the day constantly haunts them," said the announcement in English and Pashto.

Taliban inflicted casualties have "sparked off hot discussions" among common Americans "and now it has become one of the most critical issues pending before you".

"In the last two years, your military high-ups implemented different strategies including troop surge, construction of new military bases, forming militias. All these steps have been taken without considering the ground realities. It is why they all failed. Moreover the fear that Afghanistan may turn out to be a threat to world peace must be put out of your minds as it is a mere baseless propaganda." it said.
Posted by: ryuge 2010-11-07