
Jihad Cindy McNinny Spouting Off Again.
McKinney touts 9/11 inquiry

Former Rep. Cynthia A. McKinney, the Georgia Democrat who suggested that the Bush administration had prior warning of the September 11 attacks, says an independent commission’s investigation into the matter justifies her concerns.
which she proceeds to deny in the next breath:
"What it proves is that we need to have answers to the question that I originally asked," Mrs. McKinney said in an interview.
Mrs. McKinney said she was right to question what the White House knew before the attacks, but that some comments about the administration were taken out of context and have become an "urban legend" among her foes.
Her comments March 25, 2002, during an interview on KPFA radio in Berkeley, Calif., implied that the White House allowed the attacks so investment groups specializing in defense contracts would benefit from an ensuing military buildup. She singled out the Carlyle Group, where Mr. Bush’s father, former President George Bush, was an adviser.
"What did this administration know and when did it know it, about the events of September 11?" Mrs. McKinney said at the time. "Who else knew, and why did they not warn the innocent people of New York who were needlessly murdered? What do they have to hide?"
Mrs. McKinney now says she never meant to imply Mr. Bush let the attacks occur so others could benefit.
"There was a lot of heat and fury. Innocent Americans were attacked. ... Our country was reacting. I’m part and parcel of that atmosphere," said Mrs. McKinney, who is running for her old congressional seat, which she lost to fellow Democrat Denise Majette, now a Senate candidate.
Her original words are right here for all to see. McNinny overestimated the influence of the tin-foil conspiracy industry. She paid the price and now she is demanding a refund.
However, Mrs. McKinney still has few kind words for the White House.
"The Bush administration keeps giving us answers that don’t answer, explanations that don’t explain and conclusions that don’t conclude," she said in Friday’s interview.
We have her word for this, it must be true.

She praised the 10-member commission examining pre-September 11 intelligence failures and said she found "absolutely riveting" the testimony by former counterterrorism chief Richard A. Clarke, who depicted Mr. Bush as obsessed with invading Iraq.
More lefty depravity. It’s almost funny how the crazed war-monger Clarke is suddenly a hero to the Left, now that his pronouncements support their parochial goals. It’s not quite as brazen as lard-ass Moore’s endorsement of General Clark, whom he had earlier accused of war crimes, but it is close.

Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy 2004-04-19