
Moslems want to pray in Spanish cathedral
EFL What’s arabic for chutzpah?
"Muslims across Spain are lobbying the Catholic church in Cordoba to make a symbolic gesture of reconciliation between faiths by allowing them to pray in the city’s cathedral. Cordoba’s Renaissance-era cathedral sits in the centre of a 10th century mosque complex, and local Muslims want to be allowed to pray there again. They have appealed to the Vatican to intercede on their behalf. A spokesman for the local bishop said that the proposal faced many obstacles and it would be many years before it came to anything. Nowadays, Cordoba is a small provincial capital, but 1000 years ago it was one of the great cities of the world. As the capital of Moorish Spain, it became one of Islam’s holiest places and a centre of Islamic art and scholarship to rival Baghdad.
Posted by: RWV 2004-04-19