
Prodi backs Spanish decision to quit Iraq
Romano Prodi, European Commission president and a key figure in the Italian left-wing opposition, has supported Spain’s decision to withdraw its troops from Iraq and said Europe was finding common ground on the issue. He said at a meeting of Italian centre-left allies that Spain’s move was aimed at putting pressure on the international community to resolve the Iraq crisis. "With this decision, Spain has fallen into line with our position," Mr Prodi told reporters, referring to his political alliance in Italy which has said Italian troops should also come home from Iraq unless the United Nations (UN) takes charge there. "The divide that prevented Europe from having a common position is being overcome," he added....
To Prodi, Zapetera, and the rest of the EUroweenies, from GW who, in many respects, resembles "Henry V":
"Scorn and defiance; slight regard, contempt,
And any thing that may not misbecome
The mighty sender, doth he prize you at."

Posted by: RWV 2004-04-19