
Proof that Moveon.org is colluding with Kerry Campaign
I joined the Moveon.org mailing list a few months ago in a fit of "know thy enemy" enthusiasm. Recently, Moveon has been under FEC scrutiny at the behest of the RNC as a possible illegal soft money funnel to Kerry’s campaign. Check out the bolded text from this Moveon email excerpt. Rather damning I’d say.

"Dear MoveOn member,
Tomorrow, from Lincoln City, OR to Kent, OH to Peaks Island, ME, MoveOn members will holding over 1,000 bake sales to help raise some dough (sorry) and take our country back. It’s a great way to demonstrate the contrast between Bush’s millionaire-backed campaign and our grassroots movement.

If you need a piece of pie or a cookie or two tomorrow -- and who doesn’t -- you can find a bake sale in your area by going to:
All the money raised will help MoveOn PAC run ads and get out the vote this November to support John Kerry.

The creativity and energy folks are putting into their sales is just astounding. Over 11,000 bakers have signed up to help. And just take a look at some of the sales’ titles..."

Posted by: mjh 2004-04-19