
Pravda's bio of Abu Walid
According to Russian special services, Abu Al-Walid was a mastermind behind the February's metro attack in the Moscow metro. Apparently, he was awarded $4.5 million USD for the explosion. In addition, he was also held liable for several blasts in apartment buildings in Moscow and Volgodonsk in 1999 as well as smaller terrorist acts within the Chechen territory and beyond.

Abu-Walid Al-Hamidi (Abul-walid Al-Ansari, Abu Al-Walid) was born in Autumn of 1967 in the town of Najran, located south of Saudi Arabia. He later served in elite National Guards. After successfully finishing courses of mine-layers, he was transferred to the Yemen border where he was helping Yemen liberation army to get involved in subversive activity against official authorities. Afterward, he got accepted to the National Guard Academy. During late 80s, he got acquainted with Osama bin Laden.

Abu-Walid arrived to Chechnya in the end of 1995 as a special messenger of some "unique organization" ("Al-Tanzim Al Haz") an International association of "Muslim Brotherhood". Not long after that, he became an assistant to one of the Arab assassin leaders. Later, together with Shamil Basaev, he formed an entire "army" of female suicide bombers, which consisted of relatives of killed insurgents.

Russian special services suspect Abu-Walid's connection to the explosion of the government house in Grozny, Chechnya and a hospital in Mozdok, terrorist acts in Kaspiisk, blast of the Moscow metro and other attacks. Federal authorities have been reporting Abu-Walid's death no less than five times already: in April and July of 2000, in September 2001, in May and June of 2002. However, there have never been any substantial evidences confirming the terrorist's death.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-04-20