
Israel likely to have infiltrated Hamas, gets Hamas Palestinian "assistance"
Slightly EFL, from NewsMax
The recent assassination of Hamas leader Abdel Aziz Rantisi had been predicted several weeks ago by a veteran Israeli diplomat.
"He has a big mouth and might wind up as Hamas’ shortest lived leader," the diplomat told NewsMax last month.
And sure enough...
Rantisi was killed as he left his home in Gaza on Saturday.
Witnesses claim a missile, supposedly fired by an Israeli helicopter, hit and destroyed his car. It was identical to an attack on Hamas’ founder Sheikh Ahmed Yassin last month. The "Sheikh" was killed by an Israeli missile while travelling in his car in Gaza just after morning prayers. Reports from the scene claim that in both attacks Israeli choppers fired their rockets at a distance, supposedly off the Gaza coast, out of range of shoulder-fired missiles.
And out of earshot of the guys in the car...
What then accounted for the surprising accuracy of the Israeli hits? A senior Israeli government source tells NewsMax that the IDF helicopters did in fact have help "on the ground in Gaza." Recent reports claim that Israel Aircraft Industries has been producing "mini-drones" for use in such "specialized" missions. The mini-drones are akin to small model planes equipped with miniature TV transmitters. The midget planes fly almost undetected and can literally glide through windows into homes before they are noticed. The Israeli source tells NewsMax that mini-drones did in fact play a role in the recent Hamas assassinations... However, the source revealed that IDF helicopters also had "human" assistance on the ground. The Israeli claimed that his government has "been successful" in obtaining the "assistance" of Palestinians within Hamas. In short, the official claimed that individuals "sympathetic" to Israel have been key in helping Jerusalem "eliminate" the two former Hamas leaders. The official hinted that the "sympathetic" Hamas individuals may have actually planted homing devices in the cars of the two leaders, allowing the IDF to attack with stunning success. "Do not be surprised, we know more about their (Hamas) activities than most people know. And now, they (Hamas) have begin to realize it themselves."
Should be some amusing internecine bloodshed coming up soon...
Coincidentally, Hamas decided not to release the name of its newest leader, the third in less than two months.
It's Zahar, speaking for Boskone. Meshaal of the Eich is his immediate superior. Everyone knows that by now...
HA ha! Maybe the old myths about the skill of Israeli intelligence weren’t exaggerations after all...
Even if they are, can the Paleos afford to assume they're not? Oooh! Is that a long knife? And night is falling...

Posted by: Chris W. 2004-04-20