
Pentagon Signals Impatience with Falluja Talks
Expressing pessimism over prospects of peace negotiations in battle-scarred Falluja, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said on Tuesday that a truce in the restive Iraqi city will not continue indefinitely. "The current state of affairs in Falluja will not continue indefinitely. Thugs and assassins and former Saddam henchmen will not be allowed to carve out portions of that city and to oppose peace and freedom," Rumsfeld told a Pentagon (news - web sites) briefing. He said days of talks involving Iraqi and Sunni Muslim leaders, Falluja officials and representatives of the U.S. governing authority in the city did not include Iraqi insurgents who have been confronting U.S. troops. "One would think not," Rumsfeld responded when a reporter asked if the United States was prepared to negotiate away the opportunity to arrest foreign fighters and others believed responsible for American deaths and mutilations.
What sort of sh!thead asks a question like that? You, outta the pool!
"So the chances of those negotiations producing an outcome along the lines that you’ve described, it seems to me, realistically, to be difficult," he added.
It’s why we sent in Marines instead of ballerinas, @sshole!
"I never rule anything out, and clearly the people in there that have been killing people and threatening the people of Falluja need to be brought to justice," Rumsfeld said. Marine Corps Gen. Peter Pace, vice chairman of the military’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, said hundreds of U.S. Marines remained on alert in and around Falluja, giving political negotiations a chance. The Marines launched an assault on the city 32 miles west of Baghdad on April 5 after the killing and mutilation of four private U.S. security guards the previous week. Doctors say more than 600 Iraqis have died in fighting in Falluja since.
At least it doesn’t say "citizens" for a change.
More than a week ago, the U.S. military said it had suspended offensive operations in the city but would hit back if attacked. The talks to stabilize a shaky truce have led to relative calm interspersed with intense bouts of fighting and air strikes. Rumsfeld said the talks were seeking "an Iraqi-centered solution."
Give up on that sh!t. It’s showtime!
"But let there be no doubt: It is essential to hold to account those murderers with strong ties to Iraq’s deposed regime. ... It’s also important to demonstrate to those Iraqis who may feel disenfranchised that there is a place for them in a new and a free and a peaceful Iraq," he added. There are currently about 135,000 U.S. troops in Iraq, and Rumsfeld said last week that the number would remain at about that level over the next three months instead of following a previous plan to draw down to 115,000 by the end of April. On Tuesday, Rumsfeld said no request had been received from U.S. commanders for an increase above 135,000, but that the Pentagon was ready with contingency plans if a request was made either to boost the number or continue the current elevated total beyond three months.
It’s about time our troops got something from on high. Any commitment to clearing out this rat’s nest must be completely vertical.
Posted by: Zenster 2004-04-20