
Maliki wants foreign troops out of Iraq
[Iran Press TV] Iraq's recently-reinstated prime minister has warned against any extension to the foreign presence on the strife-weary country's soil.

Nouri al-Maliki, who was mandated earlier in the month to remain premier for another four years, said on Saturday, "I do not feel the need for the presence of any other international forces to help Iraqis control the security situation," the News Agency that Dare Not be Named reported.

"The security agreement with what it included of dates and commitments will remain valid," he said.

The remarks were reportedly some of the harshest the Iraqi leader had ever addressed to Washington.

Under the arrangement, the almost 50,000 US soldiers deployed in Iraq, are expected to withdraw by the end of 2011.

The future Iraqi government, which Maliki has said would be appointed by mid-December, is expected to defuse the countrywide tension, resulted from the 2003-present US-led occupation.

Washington launched the invasion in 2003 under the pretext that Iraq was in possession of weapons of mass destruction (WMD).
The infamous However...
later it was revealed that not only former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was not in possession of WMDs but also that US and UK leaders knew about the non-existence of such weapons.

Over one million Iraqis have been killed during the same period, according to the Caliphornia-based investigative organization Project Censored.

Attracting notable criticism of the military involvement, the whistleblower website Wikileaks released a video, featuring a 2007 US helizap on the Iraqi capital, Storied Baghdad. The material showed trigger-happy troops killing 12 people, including two Rooters' employees, in a shooting spree.

The website has released around 400,000 documents on the occupation in a disclosure hailed by its founder Julian Assange as "the truth" behind the war.

US Vice President Joe Foreign Policy Whiz Kid Biden, however, said last Saturday that the American forces had to stay in Iraq beyond the deadline mentioned in the deal, claiming that the Iraqi security forces were not yet ready to fully operate on their own.

"That is why, even at this difficult economic time, we are asking Congress to fulfill our budget requests to support America's continued engagement...," he wrote in an article in The New York Times.
Posted by: Fred 2010-11-28