
WikiLeaks sparks worldwide diplomatic crisis
Who will rid us of these meddlesome mullahs?
(And pay the price for doing so ...)
The King of Saudi Arabia privately urged the United States to attack Iran to destroy its nuclear weapons programme, according to diplomatic cables leaked by the whistle-blowing website, WikiLeaks.

The first tranche of more than 250,000 classified cables released by the WikiLeaks site says American officials were also told to spy on the United Nations' leadership and get biometric information on its secretary general Ban Ki-moon.
Outrageous! Diplomatic service staffers have never behaved so in the history of diplomacy! I say, fire them all, up to their commander in chief, that's the only way to fix the problem.
The cables detail claims of inappropriate behaviour by a member of the Royal family
Good lord -- that's never happened before, either!
and criticism of Britain's military operations in Afghanistan and David Cameron.

The cables include requests for "specific intelligence" about British MPs. The communiques last night threatened a global diplomatic crisis and put America's relations with Europe and the Middle East under a cloud.
Gossipy comments about EU leaders at the link.
Boy, that Assange guy is really improving the world by his actions.
If we had a CIA worth anything he'd be caught in bed with both a dead girl and a live boy ...
According to the Wall Street Journal:
A breakdown of the 250,000-plus trove of documents shows the Tokyo embassy sent the third largest number or cables of any diplomatic posting, after Ankara and Baghdad.
I wonder who the State Department trainees at the Tokyo embassy thought were poo-poo heads?

Posted by: Steve White 2010-11-29