
Bristol Palin strikes back at Olbermann
[Arab News] Bristol Babycakes Palin is striking back against MSNBC host Keith Chewing His Straps Olbermann for dubbing her "worst person in the world."
Bring back "Celebrity Boxing"...
Olbermann gave her the title on his show earlier this week, casting her as a hypocrite for appearing in a public service announcement promoting abstinence and safe sex. Palin was an unmarried teenager when she had her son, Tripp. He likened her being an abstinence spokeswoman to saying former President George W. Bush "kept us safe, 'cept for that 9/11 thing, which doesn't count."

The 20-year-old "Dancing With the Stars" diva and daughter of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Mama Grizzly Palin
... the babe libs love to hate ...
said Thursday via Facebook that calling her a hypocrite is an "old canard." She says that what Olbermann lacks in originality, he makes up for with "insincere incredulity." She also apologized for not being "absolutely faultless like he undoubtedly must be."
Posted by: Fred 2010-12-04