
Update on Rthvn...
A repeat post from Fred yesterday.... --- I, too, wish there were a meter, to cheer Rantburgers on. But, he doesn't. So know this, he needs a thousand more than is currently in his account. And now, AP has gone the route of Rfhvn...... so if you can't do without Rantburg... well, you know what to do.
I reached agreement with Righthaven the beginning of October. I've been waiting for the paperwork since then. Squire Cingold called me to see how it was going and I told him, and he called them for me to see what was up. In the course of the resulting poopstorm they said they sent me the papers by email the day I talked to them, plus a followup. Never saw any of them -- presumably eaten by Gmail's spam filters, even though I got their latest holler.

Anyway, I'm not supposed to disclose the amount of the settlement by the terms of the agreement, but it's more than is currently in the Rantburg bank (or in my checkbook after paying for a new HVAC system in October...) So if you've got spare change, please kick in. By this point it's easier to spend four digits to make it go away than to spend five digits defending it, which is what they count on.
Posted by: MOD for Fred 2010-12-09