
About Wikileaks
To all good Rantburgers,

Our regulars have had a spirited discussion recently about the Wikileaks cables. Fred and the mods have had a discussion as well behind the curtain.

We mods are concerned about one specific issue in handling anything that might appear on Wikileaks: the concern that classified information might appear on Rantburg. That then would cause the Burg to be banned from computers owned/operated by the federal government, and that is something that we don't want.

We note some of Rantburg's readers work for the U.S. government in various capacities. If they open a web page that contains a WikiLeaks cable, they are required at a minimum to scrub their computer completely. If they do this multiple times their employment could be at risk. Rantburg will not be party to that, given these are the people actually fighting the War on Terror.

We are also reminded that classified information remains classified even if stolen and disseminated on the web.

Therefore, the mods will not permit posts that quote Wikileaks cables, nor will we permit posts that link directly to them. We will permit posts of news items about Wikileaks as long as they don't quote directly classified information. Posts that contain banned information will be deleted.

Thanks for your understanding.
Posted by: Steve White 2010-12-09