
Kerry Sees a Little Vietnam in Louisiana Coastline
The Mississippi River Gulf Outlet is a long way from the Mekong Delta, but it brought back memories for Democratic presidential hopeful and Vietnam War veteran John Kerry on Wednesday.

Standing at the bow of a 25-foot power craft called "Fishing Magician" inspecting coastal erosion in southern Louisiana reminded Kerry of his days as commander of a Navy "swift" boat 35 years ago.

"I looked out at the shoreline and I commented that parts of it looked a lot like the rivers and coastline that I went through in Vietnam," the Massachusetts senator said.

He told about 100 supporters sweltering in the heat on the banks of the Mississippi that he had spent a lot of time "in a habitat that looked a little like this" as a young Naval officer. He said the 50-foot gunboat he commanded was built "right here in Louisiana."

Posted by: TS 2004-04-21