
Anti-Israel ad on Seattle buses sparks response in kind
During a controversy over an upcoming Seattle Metro bus advertisement decrying "Israeli war crimes," two groups said they intend to run their own ads that show Israel as a victim of terrorism.

The David Horowitz Freedom Center has submitted an ad to Metro Transit showing a burning Israeli bus next to the phrase "Palestinian war crimes — your tax dollars at work."

The ad is in response to an ad by the Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign smearing criticizing Israel that is scheduled to go up by Monday on the sides of 12 buses.

"The issue here is very simple. If they want to run their ads we're going to run ours," Horowitz said in an interview.

Stop Islamization of America, a group associated with fighting the Ground Zero victory mosque, also announced its intention to place an ad on Seattle buses on Tuesday.

A news release indicates that group's ad proposal says, "In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Islamic Jihad."

Seattle Metro received 2,000 e-mail messages commenting on the anti-Israeli ad through Tuesday, most of them from outside King County and most against the ad.

Ed Mast, a spokesman for the Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign, wondered whether the competing ads are congruous with Metro regulations.

"I think that we followed the rules," he said. "We have been scrupulous in following the rules and avoiding hate speech and not showing photos of violence and carnage in action, in having things approved, in telling the unspoken side of the truth."

About Stop Islamization of America's reference to "the civilized man and the savage," Mast said, "If that's not hate speech then I'm living in the wrong planet."

Seattle Metro was advised by lawyers that it could not refuse to approve the "Israeli war crimes" ad under current guidelines. Under those guidelines, Metro won't accept bus ads "so insulting, degrading or offensive as to be reasonably foreseeable that it will incite or produce imminent lawless action ... ."
Posted by: ryuge 2010-12-23