
All Your Sharpie Belong to Us!
A 13-year-old boy was arrested Friday for using a permanent marker while in class at his Oklahoma City middle school, a violation of an obscure city ordinance.
We have to make an example and nip these young hooligans in the bud!
According to an Oklahoma City Police Department report, the boy was spotted "in possession of a permanent marker" by Roosevelt Middle School teacher DeLynn Woodside. The 50-year-old educator told cop Miguel Campos that the student was "writing on a piece of paper, which caused it to bleed over onto the desk."
At least he wasn't writing on the desk.
Woodside reported that the child, whose name was redacted by police from the report, attempted to hide the marker when she asked him for it.
Campos reported that he allowed Woodside, a seventh grade math teacher, to "sign a citation" against the boy, who was then transported to the Community Intervention Center, a juvenile holding facility. A police sergeant subsequently "booked the marker into the property room."
It's much easier to have him arrested and hauled off to jail than it is to educate him.
A police spokesman referred to the student's bust as a "citizen's arrest" effectuated by Woodside.
Gomer Pyle:, "Citizen's arrest! Citizen's Arrest!"
The marker ban--which apparently is aimed at curbing graffiti--stems from a city ordinance making it illegal to possess spray paint or a permanent marker on private property (without the owner's permission).
Since when is a school private property?
If the police have the time to respond to calls like this, then the town has too many police officers. Cut the police budget appropriately and return the savings to the taxpayer.
Posted by: Deacon Blues 2010-12-23