
TSA sends 6 to take pistol from Army Reserve and Airline pilot who told truth
An airline pilot is being disciplined by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for posting video on YouTube pointing out what he believes are serious flaws in airport security. He is also a helicopter test pilot in the Army Reserve and flew missions for the United Nations in Macedonia.
Was posting the videos on YouTube wise?
Three days after he posted a series of six video clips recorded with a cell phone camera at San Francisco International Airport, four federal air marshals and two sheriff's deputies arrived at his house to confiscate his federally-issued firearm. The pilot recorded that event as well and provided all the video to News10. At the same time as the federal marshals took the pilot's gun, a deputy sheriff asked him to surrender his state-issued permit to carry a concealed weapon.
That seems an odd response. Did they think he might be a terrorist?
The YouTube videos, posted Nov. 28, show what the pilot calls the irony of flight crews being forced to go through TSA screening while ground crew who service the aircraft are able to access secure areas simply by swiping a card.

"As you can see, airport security is kind of a farce. It's only smoke and mirrors so you people believe there is actually something going on here," the pilot narrates.
Much more at the link. I'd bet we're going to be hearing more from this guy as he seems to be playing his cards well and has hit a real nerve of the Incompetanos.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble 2010-12-23