
Gunmen kill South African security guard in Iraq
A gunman killed a South African security guard in a Baghdad supermarket on Thursday in an attack that underscored the risks facing foreigners in Iraq. The South African, earlier identified by police as a Spaniard, was shot in the head by a lone assailant in a shop in the Iraqi capital's Sunni Muslim Adhamiya district. The South African's attacker, wearing an Arab robe with a headdress bravely wrapped around his face, also shot and wounded the security guard's Iraqi translator, witnesses said. "A gunman came in and shot them both," said Aslan Khalil, a supermarket employee. "When the gunman came in, he told us, 'This is a Jew, how do you deal with him and sell to him?'"

The Swiss Foreign Ministry said two Swiss employees of a non-governmental organisation had gone missing on Tuesday in unexplained circumstances. A Swiss embassy official in Baghdad said they had been released unharmed in southern Iraq. U.S. company Research Triangle International said captors freed one of its employees, George Yaakob Razuq, a Palestinian with an Israeli identity card who had been held since April 8.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-04-22