
House of Representatives votes for special elections in case many congressmen die in office
"Fearing that terrorists might target Congress, the House on Thursday [4/22/2004] approved a bill to set up speedy special elections if 100 or more of its members are killed."
Since 9/11 and especially since the anthrax strike of 2001 both the House and Senate have shamefully neglected getting their own affairs in order in case a terrorist attack eliminates many of their own membership or renders congressional meetings impossible. Remember how the Senate had trouble operating when some of its offices were contaminated? Apparently no alternate venue is available. The President has multiple backup facilities for conduct of presidential business in case of disaster, and there is a detailed map in the Constitution for successors to the executive office, but Congress apparently has no alternative than its present membership, structure and location. Multiple alternate seats of government should have already been planned for the entire Congressional membership, as well as some plan of succession.

I personally would favor the election of alternate members of the House and Senate selected every election as a matter of routine. This would provide 100% backup of the entire congressional delegation, elected by all the people with the understanding that the alternates would be seated when necessary. The alternates could not hold similar positions elsewhere in government during the time they are alternates. Standing members of congress would have the responsibility to keep their alternates informed of significant issues, and the alternates would have an obligation to be available during the congressional term. This would require a constitutional amendment, apparently the House’s action would not. Holding 100 emergency congressional elections after that many members are killed doesn’t sound at all practical, governmental officials and the general public would obviously have other problems to deal with in such a crisis.
Any other thoughts or suggestions?
Posted by: Tresho 2004-04-22