
'No rift between IRGC and Iran govt.'
[Iran Press TV] Iran's Islamic theocracy Guard Corps (IRGC) has scoffed at allegations of a rift between the army and the government as a "ridiculous" move by British media outlets.

A recent report by the state-funded BBC quoted an alleged diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks, claiming the chief of the army had clashed with President Mahmoud Short Round Ahmadinejad at a meeting during the 2009 post-election unrest.

"These are the same media [outlets], which claim impartiality but reported the events on [the day of] Ashura of 1388 (2009) by claiming that Tehran is falling and reported the multi-million strong turnout on Dey 9 [December 30 the same year] as numbering to a few hundred thousands," Lieutenant General Ramezan Sharif told Fars News Agency on Friday.

"British, American and Zionist websites have been reporting about the close and unconditional mutual support between the IRGC and the government, and at points falsely claimed that the IRGC was cracking down on the government's opponents," recalled the general.

"But today, for protecting their benefits, they invent the ridiculous allegation of a rift between the IRGC chief and the president. Which one of these reports is true?" he questioned.

Regarding the release of US State Department cables, the IRGC official said those who designed WikiLeaks and threw it into the spotlight are using the website to create trends to which best serve their interests.

He did not rule out the accuracy of all reports concerning the US and other Western powers publicized by the website, but said, "It so appears that its directors are seeking to take advantage of the false reports they publish amidst others."

Given the enemy's failure to impair the close ties between the Medes and the Persians and the country's Islamic establishment, such reports lack truth and credibility and are aimed at misleading the public opinion, Sharif stated, but vowed resistance against enemy plots.

"The arrogant powers should know that [the Iranian] people and all organizations are all standing behind the Leadership and are against the UK, US and Zionist enemies and the seditionists inside [the country] and like the past 32 years will not leave any room for the enemy to infiltrate [the country]."
"Saddam, we will defend you with our blood!"
Posted by: Fred 2011-01-01