
"Imperialists have spent $7.7 billion to undermine Iran"
Iranian Intelligence Minister Heydar Moslehi has said the imperialist powers have spent $7.7 billion over the past several years to fund efforts to undermine Iran’s Islamic system.

Moslehi noted that foreigners, and especially British intelligence agencies, played a role in the political unrest of 2009, adding, “The global arrogance (imperialist powers) has spent $7.7 billion over the past few years to subvert the Islamic system.”

He went on to say that the issue of the sedition of 2009 should be addressed cautiously, but implicitly ruled out the possibility of arresting the leaders of the sedition in the near future.

“They want to be arrested, because they seek to become national heroes, so the government should deal with the issue prudently,” he stated.

“During the sedition of last year, some revolutionary figures who played some roles before and after the victory of the Islamic Revolution questioned the structure of the religious system and the revolution, and now they have shown their true nature,” he said.

Meanwhile, Tehran Prosecutor General Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi has again reassured the loyalists of the Islamic Revolution that the leaders of the sedition of 2009 will be put on trial.

“The leaders of the sedition are guilty, and the charges (against them) will certainly be heard in a court,” Jafari Dolatabadi said in Tehran on Friday.

They will certainly be tried, but because the United States and the Zionist regime supported the seditionists during the political unrest that followed the June 2009 presidential election, officials should take action more cautiously so that the seditionists are not able to find an opportunity to resume their protests, he said.

He went on to say that the seditionist leaders are charged with starting the “green movement”, carrying out seditious actions, undermining national security, and attempting to topple the system through claiming election fraud, so a heavy punishment is awaiting them.

“The charges (against) the leaders of the sedition are more serious than they think, and when we issue their indictments, they will realize it,” he stated.

The Tehran prosecutor general said certain opposition leaders have said they will end their activities against the Islamic system if some conditions are met, “but we announce that it is the Islamic system that sets conditions for them.”

First, they must stop their seditious activities against the system, and second, they must stand trial, he explained.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the Judiciary official said that even one day of the seditious activities of 2009 could have overthrown any system, but the Islamic system did not give in and managed to put down the sedition.
Posted by: ryuge 2011-01-01