
Swedish suspect has terror ties
A Swedish man arrested in Denmark suspected of plotting a terrorism against Jyllands-Posten has close ties to two men convicted in Sweden of terror-related crimes.

According to Aftonbladet, Munir Awad had shared an apartment in Stockholm with two men who were convicted in December in Gothenburg. The two men, Elias Billé Mohamed, 26, and Mohamoud Jama, 23, were sentenced to four years in prison after finding that they were ready to commit suicide bombings in the name al-Shabaab.
Oooh, connections! Our clever lads and lasses know what to do with those...
Meanwhile, an Iraqi asylum seeker who was also arrested in Denmark but is now released has claimed innocence.

"I am completely clean" he told the Danish newspaper Ekstra Bladet.

The 26 year old says that he thought his apartment would be used by a Swede and his wife, but when he went to meet them, there were three men there instead.
*gasp* They lied?!? But they're jihadis, noble lions of Islam!

Posted by: ryuge 2011-01-01