
Self Identified Moderate Muslim Threaten Death to Mourners of Salman Taseer
Reuters reports that the 500 Islamic Scholars of the Jamaat-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat, (who Reuters says is seen as a relatively moderate, with no scare quotes on the word 'moderate') school of Islam in Pakistan, think Salman Taseer should not be mourned and that those who mourn him in public should be killed.

Salman Taseer is the late Governor of the Punjab district and was a prominent advocate of reforming the blasphemy laws (used many times to kill non Muslims and minority sect Muslims in Pakistan for such things as not lowering their eyes when looking at a Muslim).

Jamaat-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat = Community of the Traditions [of Islam]

The assassin was a member of Taseer's security squad and after killing Taseer yelled: "In the service of the Prophet, death is acceptable."

Posted by: lord garth 2011-01-06