
Mugabe reinstates Moyo to Zanu-PF leadership
[Mail and Globe] expelled from Zimbabwe's ruling Zanu-PF, is on the political comeback trail.

At Zanu-PF's national conference in Mutare before Christmas, President Bob Muggsy Mugabe recalled him to the party's politburo, its highest decision-making body.

It was an indication of Moyo's reviving political fortunes in what he once described as "a party of octogenarians" -- he was last in the 50-member politburo in February 2005 before Mugabe fired him from government. But judging by the roar of applause that met his reappointment, as well as the smiles of party officials and the gyrating women who welcomed him back, Zanu-PF and its "Dear Leader" are prepared to forgive and forget.

Mugabe told delegates: "I don't want to call him a prodigal son. He is back as he was working in the party; he has talent and I am sure we will be satisfied with his work."

With elections expected this year, Zanu-PF will need Moyo's "talent" as a former spin doctor in government to drive the party's propaganda machine.

Political observers acknowledge that he was instrumental in securing the presidency for Mugabe in 2002 amid a wave of anti-Zanu-PF sentiment among voters.

Moyo's role
Although Zanu-PF did not immediately announce Moyo's role in the politburo, media reports tipped him for the post of deputy political commissar, a post left vacant by the death of Ephraim Masawi last year.

This would be a new chapter in his zig-zagging 10-year political career in which he has been a government spokesperson, Zanu-PF information and publicity minister, an amateur musician who crafted the incessant pro-Mugabe jingles aired every five minutes on the state broadcaster, an ardent critic of Mugabe and on two occasions Zimbabwe's sole independent legislator for the Tsholotsho North constituency. His oscillating loyalties led Mugabe to label him a "deviant".

Moyo was also the alleged architect of the repressive Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Public Order and Security Act. He orchestrated the closure of several independent newspapers in 2003.
Posted by: Fred 2011-01-08