
Iranian passenger plane crash kills at leas 70
An Iranian Boeing 727 passenger plane has crashed in bad weather in northwestern Iran on Sunday, killing at least 70 people and injuring 35.

Mahmoud Mozafar, chief of the Iranian Red Crescent, said that many of the wounded were are in bad condition. He said 106 people total were on board the plane when it crashed. Another Red Crescent official, Heidar Heidari, told IRNA, that the "death toll is expected to increase."

Mozafar told state television "the plane was smashed into pieces but did not explode."

Earlier, Iranian sources gave other accounts of the number of people on board, which some have said crashed just before landing at the airport in the city of Urumiyeh. State television said the plane had been heading from Tehran to Urumiyeh.

Posted by: ryuge 2011-01-09