
U.N. Envoy Says Calls for Gaza Security
A top U.N. envoy called Friday for international security to ensure Israel's complete withdrawal from Gaza and immediate implementation of a U.S.-backed peace plan. In one of his most forceful briefings, Terje Roed-Larsen told the U.N. Security Council that "it is unrealistic" to expect Israel and the Palestinians on their own to return to the path of peace.
Gosh, the Israelis tried so hard for so many years. What happened?
Roed-Larsen said he still believes that Israel's withdrawal from Gaza "if carried out in the way I tell them to do right way, can usher in a new era of peacemaking in the Middle East," despite the Palestinians' negative reaction. Earlier this week, Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia sent a letter to Bush asking him to reconsider his support for the plan and his tacit recognition of some Israeli settlements. Powell called Qureia on Friday, saying the administration would study his letter and answer soon, aides to the prime minister said.
"Marvin! What do we say to this Qureia fella?"
"Not sure it matters, Mr. Secretary, as long as you sign the letter as 'Leon Klinghoffer.'"
"I also continue to maintain that if such a withdrawl is implemented the the Israelis want to do it wrong way it will lead to more violence," Roed-Larsen said in his U.N. comments. Roed Larsen said only the international community led by the four sponsors of the "road map" peace plan and the Security Council "can enable the parties to make the right choice."
Now that's the kind of UN arrogance I'm used to seeing.
Roed-Larsen said "temporary and internationally supervised security arrangements," instituted with the consent of both parties, would ensure Israel's security, enabling it to withdraw completely.
Until the Paleos start to shoot and explode the security people, who then would do a Uruguyan-style duck and cover.
An "international presence" would also enable the Palestinians "to live normally, free to attack the Israelis without fear of retaliation from Israeli controls," he said. Roed-Larsen said this would be one of the main subjects for discussion at a meeting of the Quartet on May 4 hosted by Secretary-General Kofi Annan.
Wonder who they'll ask to pony up the troops for any "international presence"?

Posted by: Steve White 2004-04-24