
Portland Indymedia on Tillman: Dumb Jock Killed In Afghanistan
caught at LGF. Idiots...
"Were the Nazis heroes? Didn’t they also die for what they thought was right? Haven’t we all learned by now that *everyone* is doing what they think is right. The question is, what can be observed about their actions. Fighting in Iraq or in Afghanistan means you’re fighting for the wealth and power of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, et al. We now have pipelines being built across both countries. Was that worth dying for? Does dying for pipelines make one a hero? Conditions in Afghanistan and Iraq are worse than before the invasions."
The same stomach-turning tripe that Antiwar, Murat, NMM put out, but without their "charm"
Posted by: Frank G 2004-04-24