
Arafat Brushes Off Latest Israeli Threats
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat on Saturday brushed off new Israeli threats, telling several thousand supporters that Israel will never get rid of him. Arafat spoke a day after Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said he was no longer bound by an earlier promise to Washington not to harm the Palestinian leader. Speaking in poetic Arabic to the cheering crowd, Arafat referred to himself as a "mountain." "I tell Sharon and his gang, 'Oh mountain, the wind will never move you,'" he declared.

Behind the scenes, however, Arafat confidants said he was concerned about the latest threat. In new violence, Israeli troops killed three militants in the West Bank town of Jenin, residents and witnesses said. The army said the men were preparing a suicide bombing inside Israel and were killed after they fired at soldiers who tried to arrest them. The men were members of the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, a militant group linked to Arafat's Fatah faction.
Posted by: Fred 2004-04-24