
Detroit may close 'half of its public schools'
Detroit Public Schools would close nearly half of its schools in the next two years, and increase high school class sizes to 62 by the following year, under a deficit-reduction plan filed with the state.
Of course, they're also saying if they just got a few hundred million bucks, this would go away. For just this one city only. Forget the rest of the state. The rest of the country. Forget that this is mostly glorified juvie.

And just where would this aid come from? From my school budget, I guess. My kids' success. My country's.

Thanks, liberal politicians! Thanks, shortsighted automaker companies! Thanks, unions!

But hey, you and your buddies got theirs. Now it's our children's problem. Your parents would be so proud.

Coming soon to a school system near you!

Posted by: gorb 2011-01-18