
AQAP's Inspire Magazine #4: Steal to Fund War on West
Followers of one of the fastest-growing radical Muslim terror groups are being told to steal, embezzle and seize property -- especially from Americans -- in order to finance their jihad.

While Muslim teaching generally forbids theft, the new edition of Inspire magazine -- launched by the group behind the air cargo printer bombs in October, the underwear bomb plot in December 2009 and the most recent pre-Christmas alert -- is now telling followers that such crimes are justifiable, especially if the U.S. government and U.S. citizens are targets.

In the fourth edition of the magazine, launched by Al Qaeda in Yemen in July, American-born radical cleric Anwar Al-Awlaki encourages his disciples to fund more attacks through crime. The Middle East Media Research Institute provided Fox News with its copy of the magazine.
Here's the front page.
"In an attempt to deal with the cash-shortage jihadist groups are facing,
Facing a cash shortage, are they? But what of the millions supposedly eagerly giving zakat to support the holy warriors?
Have they considered one of those ads like the ones used by groups to feed poor children around the world? "For just $1 a day you can ensure that Widow Fatima has all the ammunition she needs."
Al-Awlaki gives religious justification to any actions used by jihadists to obtain money. In the article, titled 'The Ruling on Dispossessing the Disbelievers' Wealth in Dar Al-Harb,' he deals with the issue by ruling that Western countries are considered Dar Al-Harb, i.e. the territory of war, countries on which the rules of war apply," says an analysis from media research group.

"Since this is the case, Al-Awlaki says Muslims living in the West are not bound by any laws or contracts that prohibit them to harm their countries of residence."

Intelligence analysts are also keying in on the magazine's emphasis on the recruitment of women as suicide bombers. One analyst who gathers intelligence from publicly available sources told Fox News that the online magazine dovetails with a new Web video where the al-Awlaki's lectures are used to voice over still pictures of women preparing for battle.

"The video glorifies the role of Muslim women in battle. Each frame of the lecture is accompanied by women. Each section has a photo of women preparing for battle, carrying arms, as part of terrorist groups," said the analyst, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. "It is definitely a recruiting film for women willing to sacrifice themselves."

The video ends with a still photo of the Russian "Black Widow" who blew herself in the Moscow subway March 2010.

Analysts also note that the leading articles in the latest edition of the magazine are all written by Americans. In addition to al-Awlaki, there is Samir Khan. U.S. officials believe the North Carolina native is behind the look and layout of the magazine. There is also a piece by Adam Gadahn. The California native is a longtime mouthpiece for the Al Qaeda senior leadership in the tribal areas of Pakistan.
MEMRI translations from Inspire, issue #4:
AQAP's English-Language Inspire Magazine Hails Swedish Bomber Taimour Al-Abdaly and British Attacker Roshonara Choudhry, Calls Their Actions Examples of 'Borderless Loyalty' To Islam

U.S. Jihadist Samir Khan: Muslims Join Jihad Not in Response to Actions by Israel and the U.S., But Because Jihad Is an Individual Duty

Jihadi Cleric Anwar Al-Awlaki to Jihadists Living in the West: Obtain Money By Any Means Possible, Especially from the U.S. Government and its Citizens
Posted by: 2011-01-18