
Muslims In West Struggling Between Tawheed And Shirk
From Jihad Unspun
The battle between the Tawheed and the Shirk is long standing, since the time of the Messenger Nooh (as), when he called his people to worship Allaah alone, and to leave the worship of idols. Then messengers came after Nooh, calling their people to the pure Tawheed and to leave the Shirk. In our present time, we see a continuation of this sira’a between the Tawheed embodied within the Muslim muwahideen and the Shirk embodied within the Kuffar and the Mushrikeen. ....

The Kuffar understand Islam better than many of the so-called Muslims. They know that the people they are fighting believe in “Laa Ilaaha Illa Allaah” and they know that Eemaan increases with the good deeds and decreases with the bad deeds; for this reason alone they use the vice girls to torture the Muslims with. The Kuffar understand very well that the bad deeds (e.g. looking at nudity, listening to prohibited forms of Music) will decrease the Eemaan of a believer, which is why they attempt such actions. This is the nature of the struggle that the Muslims face. The struggle between the haqq and the baatil is at a creedal level; it always has been and always will be. ....

Whosoever from amongst the Muslims takes this path would necessitate the negation of his (or her) Eemaan in Islam, and him (or her) becoming a murtadd. The alternative and only choice is to side with the Muslims (even if we were to disagree on some matters between ourselves) holding fast to the Deen, and continuing to call for Islam publicly openly whilst enduring the hardships – indeed this would be the road to falah and the road to the Jannah, even if it led to death. It would be better to die for Islam than to live like a coward, to live like a British Muslim, or a Spanish Muslim, or a French Muslim or an American “Mozlem”. It would be better to hold to the belief of Islam and die feesabeelillah, than die like those people who sell their Deen to the Kuffar.

May Allaah (swt) protect us and give us all strength in these trying times. Oh Allaah, aid the Muslims in reestablishing the Islamic Khilafah State ala minhaj an-Naboowa soon, so that we may feel secure.
Posted by: Mike Sylwester 2004-04-24