
Writer Admits to Palin Derangement Syndrome
Though it is embarrassing to admit this in public, I can no longer hide the truth. I have a Sarah Palin problem.

I have written about her in 42 columns since Sen. John McCain picked her as his vice-presidential running mate in 2008. I've mentioned her in dozens more blog posts, Web chats, and TV and radio appearances. I feel powerless to control my obsession, even though it cheapens and demeans me.
I'll save you from having to read the whole thing. The press discovered mentioning her increased the popularity of the articles - so they all fed the public demand for more Sarah. Now Dana Milbank wants to pop the Palin bubble by declaring a "Palin-Free Month." Another cheap trick to build readership. Why stop at a month? Just say "No", Dana! Give it up! Olberman now has the time to help you out!
I also call on Keith Olbermann (345 shows mentioning Palin) and Rachel Maddow (183 shows) of MSNBC, as well as Sean Hannity (411 Palin segments) and Bill O'Reilly (664 segments) of Fox News, to take the pledge. Will the Huffington Post, which had 19 Palin mentions on a single day last week - stand with me?
Who are you again?
Dana Milbank is an op-ed columnist for The Washington Post and the author of "Tears of a Clown: Glenn Beck and the Tea Bagging of America."
What kind of dirt-bag would put tea-bagging in the title of a book? I'm going to swear off Dana Milbank, forever. Who's with me?
Posted by: Bobby 2011-01-24