
Don't Be Making Fun Of Copyrighted Communist Icons
THIS paw-trait of a mongrel called Magic dressed as Cuba revolutionary Che Guevara has landed a small British card firm in the doghouse.

The daughter of photographer Alberto Korda - who took the iconic 1960 photo of Che - has launched a lawsuit in France, saying that the ruff copy infringes image rights.

Stunned designer Kate Polyblank - whose hubby Mark snapped a pal's pet in Acton, West London - says the bone of contention has so far cost her firm Takkoda £12,000 in legal fees.

She said: "It's ridiculous. Clearly anyone can see it is a dog, for goodness sake. At the end of the shoot it ran upstairs and peed on my bed!"

Maybe they should have chosen Fido Castro...
Posted by: Anonymoose 2011-01-24