
Fun with vocabulary: two-word synonyms for "Olbermann"
James Taranto, "Best of the Web" @ WSJ
Boldface emphasis added.
Keith Olbermann is no longer the worst TV personality in the world, having been defenestrated last week by MSNBC. The New York Post delivers the news in an article that refers to the fulminating fruitcake as a "broadcast blowhard," "liberal lip," "pontificating pundit," "garrulous gasbag" and "unemployed Uberdork."

Not bad, but they left out stentorian screwball, maniacal motormouth, whacked-out windbag, bombastic birdbrain and pretentious pantywaist. C'mon, guys, step it up!
Can you think of any other alliterative aliases for the jobless jerkass?
Posted by: Mike 2011-01-24