
O'Jihadis up for sentencing in Colombia
The verdict is due in the case of three alleged IRA men charged with training rebels and travelling on false passports in Colombia. The trial of James Monaghan, Niall Connolly and Martin McAuley ended in Bogota more than eight months ago. They are accused of training left-wing Farc rebels in the use of explosives and using false documentation. The men were arrested in August 2001 as they stepped off a plane from an area which was a Farc stronghold. Their arrest led to speculation that dissident Irish republicans had formed links with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Farc). The three men had previously refused to attend the trial because of fears for their safety, but later in the trial they protested their innocence in addresses to the non-jury court. Last Friday a journalist following the case, Mark Duffy said he had spoken to the judge who had told him he would deliver his verdict on Monday. If the men are found guilty, they face a maximum 20 years in prison. Mr McAuley is from Northern Ireland, while the other two are from the Irish Republic.
Nowt better than watching these idiots cower in a Colombian courtroom. Twenty years sounds fine to me. Take your McJihad and stick it in your...
Posted by: Howard UK 2004-04-26