
Relatives of would-be bar bomber deny terrorism charges
Three relatives of an alleged would-be suicide bomber pleaded innocent Monday to charges in connection with a terrorist attack in Israel. Tahira Tabassum, 28, Zahid Sharif, 37, and Parveen Sharif, 36 - the wife, brother and sister of Omar Khan Sharif, 27, who reportedly fled after a bomb he allegedly carried failed to detonate near a Tel Aviv bar - were all charged with failing to disclose information about terrorism. Parveen Sharif, a teacher, is also charged with inciting Sharif to commit an act of terrorism. She denied that charge also.
"Nope. Nope. Wudn't me."
Omar Sharif’s body was found floating in the sea off the coast of Israel 12 days after an April 30 suicide bomb attack at a bar in Tel Aviv...
This is a good start - I hope the family/associates of Asif Hanif are receiving similar scrutiny
Posted by: Lux 2004-04-26