
UN & EU arrange things so that Greeks can screw Turks
Wall Street Journal
Editorial, April 26

"It could have been one of the European Union’s proudest days. Ending the 30-year-old division between Greek and Turkish Cypriots would have been a powerful demonstration of the appeal Europe’s new ideas and ideals can have ... The EU and the UN bear some responsibility for this fiasco. The UN plan carried no penalty for a no vote from the Greek Cypriots. Indeed, the fact that they could dominate the government and still gain EU entry encouraged them to vote no ... The Greek Cypriots appear to have wagered that, once inside the EU, they could drive an even harder bargain with the Turks. It falls now to the rest of Europe to show them they’ve miscalculated."
I pointed this out the day of the vote that the UN and EU set up the vote such that the Greek Cypriots could screw the Turkish Cypriots without apparent penalty. The Greeks happily obliged. Further evidence if it were neeed that the UN couldn’t run a sweet (candy/lolly) store without it descending into farce.

Posted by: Phil B 2004-04-26