
Petraeus Anticipates Bloody Spring This Year
[Tolo News] The US top commander of foreign forces in Afghanistan predicted a deadly spring ahead of troops in Afghanistan.

The US and Nato commander, General David Petraeus said he is expecting a brutal fight in the spring when Taliban bully boyz try to return from their winter safe havens to areas already in control of international forces.
Key word in that sentence being try.
"We have taken away areas that matter to the Taliban and they have to fight back," he said in an interview with Nato television that was aired on Wednesday.

During the interview, the US four-star General did not provide an exact number of the troops that would leave Afghanistan as part of July 2011 drawdown plan.

"We"ll have to get a good bit closer to that, needless to say, to see what the conditions on the ground may be, and then make recommendations,"" he said.

Presently foreign forces fighting insurgency number at 150,000 and President Hamid Maybe I'll join the Taliban Karzai is planning to have an Afghan army of nearly 300,000 by next year.
Good luck with that. A third of new recruits toddle off when they realize soldiering is hard work.
Last year was the deadliest of the nearly decade-long war for foreign troops, with more than 700 killed in line with duty.

With two Nato service members killed in southern Afghanistan on Wednesday, the number of international troops killed this month reach 10.
Rest in peace, with our thanks.

Posted by: Fred 2011-02-10