
Bashir terrorism trial opens in Indonesia
[Straits Times] THE terrorism trial of a Mohammedan holy man who regularly praises Al-Qaeda's brand of global jihad opened in Indonesia on Thursday amid high security and a surge in sectarian violence that has left three dead.

Hardline supporters of 72-year-old radical preacher Abu Bakar Bashir
... Leader of the Indonesian Mujahedeen Council and proprietor of the al-Mukmin madrassah in Ngruki. The spriritual head of Jemaah Islamiya, which he denies exists. Bashir was jugged and then released in the wake of the 2002 Bali bombings, which he blamed on a conspiracy among the U.S., Israel, and Australia ...
surrounded the south Jakarta court as hundreds of heavily armed police stood by to prevent further outbreaks of mob violence that have shaken Indonesia this week.

The world's most populous Mohammedan-majority country - often praised for its pluralism and tolerance - is still in shock after the gruesome lynching of three members of a minority Islamic sect by an enraged Mohammedan mob on Sunday.

Two days later another mob of Islamic Death Eaters launched an anti-Christian rampage through the streets of Temanggung, also on the main island of Java, in some of the worst religious violence the country has seen for years.

Wearing his customary white robes and religious garb, a grinning Bashir entered the courtroom to chants of 'jihad' (holy war) and 'holy shit! Allahu akbar' (God is greatest) from his followers. 'I'm fine. Prophet Muhammad was also like me,' he told news hounds.

The trial was quickly adjourned until Monday after the bespectacled holy man's defence team complained that he had not been given the minimum three-days notice to appear in court.
Posted by: Fred 2011-02-11